Ring SIze

How to determine her ring size?
How to determine her ring size?

Sometimes, to make your dream comes true, it is not enough to find the girl of your dream and to propose to her. If you dream of coming with a perfect ring to hear her “Yes!” the most important thing you should bear in mind is not to ruin the greatest moment of her life with a ring that falls from her finger because it’s too loose or doesn’t slide on her finger because the size is too small.  
It may seem scary, but don’t let that worry you. Leave this space in your heart for other kinds of feelings. You are going to find out two “How?” that will help you to feel much more confidence: 
- How to get her ring to measure the size?
- How to measure it? 

So, what do you do?
So, what do you do?

First of all, concentrate on choosing her perfect engagement ring. We will help you to take care of the rest. To make this issue easier, we will send you a free electronic digital caliper or free ring sizer or both of them, by your request. When you receive it, all you’ll need is to choose the proper tactic for this almost military mission. Just remember this particular ring well, not to confuse it by mistake.
Pay attention! Observe before you act. Look for the ring she wears on her ring finger only. Rings from other fingers will have different sizes. Once you determine the proper ring, go for action!

Tactic 1
Tactic 1

Mission status -Top Secret. Nobody can be trusted. You are the only person to rely on. 
The chance of disclosure: Low.  
Procedure: Temporarily borrowing her ring to measure it. You don’t even need to risk sneaking it away. Few seconds will be enough.
- Find out the location of her jewelry box. Please wait for the moment when she will have to leave her room for a minute. Then take out our free digital caliper to measure the size. Act immediately and fast.
- She doesn’t want to leave you alone even for a second? Go for the following: Prepare some popcorn, cola, a couple of cocktails, or beer. Looking for a movie, “accidentally” choose The Titanic. If you start about 8:30 in the evening, a soft sofa and 3 hours movie will make her sleep on your shoulder. Just wait for the right moment and act. If she wakes up and asks where you have been, you can always answer that you’ve been visiting the restroom.

Tactic 2
Tactic 2

Mission status - Classified. You have to become a real spy... or an actor. 
The chances of disclosure: Medium-Low. 
Procedure: Get her involved.
- Take her to the art shop in the mall, street market, craft fair, exhibition, or art festival. Stop near some jewelry vendor. If it's screaming, colorful, tasteless, and fancy, it is even better. Be in a good mood, start joking and fooling around trying some of the rings on your finger. It will get her involved in the process by her will to laugh together with you. Get some ugly ring and say that you found her next birthday gift. Make her laugh, distract her attention. And in the end, don’t forget to get the ring.
- Let her find you, “playing” with our free ring sizer, sliding it on your fingers. She will ask you what it is? Tell her that you found it on the street. Girls are curious, so she will want to try it also. Just remember the size. 

Tactic 3
Tactic 3

Mission status: Confidential. 
The chances of disclosure: Medium. 
Procedure: Get her parents involved. 
- Asked her mom or granny for help. If she really likes you, she will help you secure access to her jewelry box to measure the size. 
Attention: Never ask for the help of her junior brother or sister. The chances of disclosure and fail the mission increases dramatically.

Tactic 4
Tactic 4

Mission status: Dangerous. 
The chances of disclosure: High. 
Procedure: Get friends involved.
- Ask her girlfriend for help. If you have no other options – go for it. The chance of disclose is higher, but it is better than nothing.
- Use the only friend you can trust. He will ask for her help, choosing the ring for his own girlfriend. But be careful, first of all, your friend has to be in serious relationships, and the most important, girls know this trick, so the chance of disclosure is very high.

Digital caliper
Digital caliper

Use our free digital caliper. Measure the inner diameter of the ring and consider it’s done. Contact us via email, WhatsApp, or Viber, and we'll send you digital caliper absolutely for free.


Use a small bar of hotel soap. Just press down the ring into the soap and immediately wipe the ring, for not to be discovered before the time. You can use the piece of plasticine, like a real spy. Just remember, plasticine might be easily deformed into your pocket due to its softness. So, if you choose to use plasticine, place it inside the small box, after imprinting the ring, to keep it safe. You can also use candle wax for this matter. After the mission is accomplished, you can measure the inner diameter of the ring imprint. Just don’t forget to wipe and clean it from soap/ plasticine/wax from the ring.


Stick her ring on your finger. Of course, the size may be too small to slide on your finger. Mark the place the ring stops. Then you can measure the finger at your mark. It will not give you an accurate size, but sometimes it is better than nothing.


Use a pen and paper. If you don’t have time to wait for the caliper to arrive, use this method. It’s not exactly like the first one, but it is close enough. Place the ring on the paper and trace it with a pen around the inner side of the ring. Mark the outside surface of the ring as well. Carefully measure it when you are alone.

Next step
Next step

Now, when you know both of “How,” it is time to go choose the engagement ring for your sweetheart. Please send your request for a free ring sizer or digital caliper or both, to assist you, measuring her ring size. It will take 5 to 7 days to receive it. Then, act! As soon as you find out her ring size, let us know. We will start crafting her perfect individual engagement ring. And if you miss a bit, don’t worry, you can always send it to us to fix the size.

So, I hope these small secrets will help you make the right choice.

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