Color.  Simple colors of diamonds grading.

Color is the first subject we are going to talk about.

The diamond scale is not difficult at all. First of all, it's's easy to understand because the scale goes in alphabetical order. We begin our scale from the letter "D" as the highest color. Why do we start with "D" -? Because A, B, and C were already used for other definitions in the diamond industry.

Now, we can divide the whole scale into three groups:

D, E, F - Colorless

G, H, I, J - Near Colorless

K,L,M,...Z - Light Yellow

It is not difficult, is it right?

Most diamonds have yellow tints of color, caused by nitrogen traces inside the crystal lattice. The more nitrogen is in the diamond – the yellower it is, and the price is lower. The less color is in the diamond – the rarer it is, and the price is higher.

According to it, we grade diamonds from the D to Z color scale, from absolutely colorless D color to the strongest tint of Z color grade.

Your next question is: how to understand a simple way what all those grades from D to Z mean?

First of all, let me tell you a small but significant secret. The gemologist and the customer see the same stone in absolutely different ways, in the literal sense of the word. They see the diamond from different directions or positions. The gemologist inspects the loose diamond color, looking from the side position when the stone is turned upside down. Instead, the customer sees the diamond already set in a ring or other jewelry from the face-up position.

Why is it so? Because it is much easier to detect the color of loose diamond placed upside down than in a face-up position, and it is much easier to grade it from this point of view.

Why is it so important? It can be explained by the fact that the color of the set and the loose diamond looks different. Do not be surprised that a regular person and a professional diamond grader see the same stone's color completely differently.  Not as you have been probably told.

Now, let's compare how the gemologist and the customer will see the color in the same diamond:

D, E, F
The first group is the rarest and high priced one – Colorless - D, E, F color. From D – absolutely colorless to F, that has an almost unnoticeable, very, very slight tint of yellow. Is it possible to see the difference between D, E, or F colors from the face-up, out of the laboratory, and not under the proper lighting? No, it is almost impossible. Only a skilled - gemologist might see the difference between the diamonds, but still, he will not be able to grade the color out of the lab precisely.
If you don't find any reason to pay more for D color, you do not have to (!) only when your social status makes it possible for you or your fiancé insists. Buy F color, and you will not see any difference. The slight difference might be seen if you place two diamonds of F and D colors aside, but it's still not easy to detect. In the case that you want only the best, prepare your bank account, it may cost you an additional 10% (for the low clarity) up to 40% (for the high clarity diamond) comparing to the same clarity F color diamond.
From face-up D, E, and F tints are almost undetectable.
G, H, I, J
The second group is Near-colorless – G, H, I, and J. It will be easier for you to divide the next category into two parts:
The first part - G and H colors. The skilled gemologist will easily detect a light yellow tint on the loose G and H colors diamond, but.. from the side, upside-down position and under the proper lighting only.
Will a regular person see a slight yellow tint from the face-up position? I don't think so because it will remain almost white. The difference from face-up position can be seen if you place the stone next to the colorless (D, E, F) one. Otherwise, it is almost undetectable. G and H colors are still expensive, but not as colorless stones.
I and J colors represent the second part of this Near Colorless category. From the side (upside-down) position, the loose J color diamond will demonstrate an easy noticeable light yellow tint. From face-up position, J color will show a slight, but still detectable light yellow tint. Please, pay attention: set in the Yellow Gold, J color looks almost white!
G, H tints are almost undetectable. They are perfect with White Gold and Platinum. I and J colors are recommended to use with Yellow, Red, or Pink gold to make it look much "whiter."
K, L, M up to Z
Next, the third category is represented by K, L, M..up to Z colors. From K color, you start to notice a slight yellow tint from not only from the side but also from the face-up position when the stone is set in the ring. Does it mean that you shouldn't choose K or L color diamonds? No, it doesn't. If you set low color diamonds in Yellow, Pink, or Red gold by open prongs or bezel settings, you will get a fabulous, surprisingly white looking stone due to the colored background of the engagement ring. If you set the K, L, or M color diamond into the white metal instead of it, you will easily see a non-attractive strong yellow tint of the stone. This knowledge may help you save a good amount of money you may spend on another matter, and still get a fabulous ring.
Easily detectible colors from face-up position. Strongly recommended to set it into Yellow, Red, or Pink to make the color look two, three grades up.
In Conclusion

D, E, F, and G colors are perfect for the White gold.

H and I can be used with all metals White, Yellow, Pink, and Red. H color, set in Yellow metal with open prongs or Bezel setting, will look almost like E color, due to the contrast of the yellow metal ring.

J, K, L, and M are perfect for Yellow, Pink, or Red gold with open prongs or bezel setting. The contrast of colors makes them look much whiter up to 3 grades up.

So, I hope these small secrets will help you make the right choice.
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